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Ways to Bank with Us
To make accessing your money easy and flexible, there are lots of ways to bank – online, on your mobile, at an ATM, or face-to-face in a branch. Choose the way you want to bank and you’ll never be far from your money.

No Fee MoneyPass ATMs
ATMs are convenient, especially when they’re close by and fee-free. You may not see our name on the ATM, but we’re still there. Horizon Bank’s ATM/debit cards allow you to obtain cash at nearly 40,000 no-fee ATMs coast-to-coast. Just look for the distinctive MoneyPass® logo on the ATM.
Mobile App
Whether you’re on the go or banking from home, we’re as close as your smartphone or mobile device. You can check balances, make transfers, deposit checks, and arrange payments whenever you want.
What’s more convenient than banking in your pajamas? With our free internet banking services, you can check balances, make transfers and payments, and more — 24 hours a day.
Video Banking
Horizon Bank's video banking combines the personalized service of a knowledgeable advisor and full self-service technology - offering extended hours to better serve you Monday – Saturday. While this machine also functions as an ATM, you can connect to a Horizon Bank advisor right from your call using videoconferencing and complete any transaction you normally would to inside a branch.
In Person
We want you to bank the way that’s most convenient for you. Yet, we admit, we really enjoy seeing you in person.
Automated Telephone Banking
Whether you’re using a landline phone or the latest mobile phone, you can call our automated service 24 hours a day to check balances, make transfers, and arrange payments. Call Horizon Bank at 888-904-2265 (BANK).