Personal Savings
Secure your financial future with our Personal Savings Account designed to help you reach your savings goals faster!
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Benefits and Conveniences
Free automatic transfers
Move your money where you need it, when you need it.
Text & Email AlertsGet alerts on balances, transactions and security. Enroll or login to online banking to setup alerts.
Personal Savings for children under 18

No fees
Free to those under age 18.
Free Auto Transfers
Set up automatic transfers easily
Online Banking and Mobile App Access
Stay on top of your child's account with online banking and our mobile app.
Open in 5 minutes
It only takes about 5 minutes for a parent or guardian to open an account.
Kickstart your Savings when you Enroll in Easy Save!
Round up each debit card purchase to the nearest dollar to turn your change from everyday purchases into savings.
The change from your debit card purchases is accumulated and automatically transferred daily from your checking account to your savings account.